CCLI, Bible, Backgrounds

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CCLI, Bible, Backgrounds

Post by leecarter »

New user, so hope these questions aren't too low level....

1. I use CCLI, and was trying to figure the specifics. Do you download CCLI songs to the 'Songs' folder, then access them from Songbeamer, or can you link to them directly on CCLI from SongBeamer?

2. I have looked at the Bible versions on your link, but don't see the NIV. Is there any place else to find it?

3. How do you change the background on the Bible screen? Or is black the only one?
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Re: CCLI, Bible, Backgrounds

Post by Sebastian »

1. You can import Songs directly from CCLI. Use File->SongSelect Import...

2. The OpenSong download page has the NIV.

3. You can change the bible background using Tools->Options->Bible. Then click the "Select Image..." button.
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multiple monitors

Post by leecarter »

Thanks for your help. Here is another problem I am having: On Pwr Pt 2007 you can specify which monitor to project the slide show. I currently have several monitors. (I have built my computer with 4 VGA/DVI outs.) Monitor 3 is my main monitor in the sound room. Monitor 4 output is split with a video splitter to 3 monitors: projector, TV monitor on the stage, and a monitor that mirrors what the projector is showing for sound room viewing. Monitor 1 is a small monitor that I keep windows media player active for playing music. So, in power point you can specify the slide show output. Monitor 1 or Monitor 4. ( I don't use a Monitor 2) But when I use SongBeamer, it defaults to monitor number 1. How do I make it default to monitor 4? :?
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Post by Sebastian »

Go to Tools->Options->Projection: Presentation Monitor.
You should be able to select Monitor 1 to Monitor 3. We only count the active monitors (if you have selected "Extend the desktop onto this monitor" in your windows display settings). So I guess it should work.
Please try Monitor 2 and Monitor 3, because the order could be different in SongBeamer. If none of these work, please let us know, then wel'll add "Monitor 4" as well.
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Post by leecarter »

Presentation Monitor actually offers the option of 'Monitor 4' in my setup. However, when you select monitor 4, it defaults to monitor 1. So, I worked around this by making my main monitor=monitor 4 (had to move around the DVI plugs and move around the monitors.) That left options 1 and 3 for projection, which worked out fine. Would however have been nice to have a choice between all 4 possible monitors. Thanks.
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Post by Sebastian »

I'm glad you found a workaround. But let me come back to the options in the projection tab. There is two settings and I think you might be confusing the two.

1. Presentation Monitor:
This is where you tell SongBeamer which monitor it will use. The default is "Automatic".

2. Multi-Monitor Setup:
You can enable the extended desktop in the display settings of your display adapter. Many of our customers had requested a feature that automatically enables the 2nd (or 3rd, ...) monitor when they start SongBeamer. This makes it very easy to use the multi-monitor function with SongBeamer. But it has nothing to do with the monitor that SongBeamer will use for displaying the presentation.
The option "Automatically enable/disable 2nd monitor" should not be selected on a PC that has permanently enabled the 2nd monitor, because it will disable this monitor when closing SongBeamer.
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